MMA Boxer
- 0.00€
MMA Boxer
Available model:
- Standard model (Score, Hiscore)
- Multiplayer model (Score, Hiscore, 6 displays on left side so people could compare their scores with each others)
Available colors:
- Black, Red, White, Blue, Yellow
Appearance: available in standard graphic or any request graphics
Information about the strength of impact in dozens of voice comments
Available in any foreign language at the customer's request
Measurement of strength, speed and reflexes
Reliable electronics
Electronic self-diagnostic system
Setting the force of the impact
Programmable electronic coin
Setting the record
Electronic counter
Warranty and post-warranty service
European CE certificate
70x110x215 cm weight:120 kg
Leukadia Anthemion P.O 59035
Phone: 6944161803 - 2332042922